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Is There Anything More Annoying Than A Dripping Tap? Of Course, Not!

We all have that one tap that doesn’t stop dripping. It’s dripping and dripping, and you can’t stand it! Why is this happening? The problem lies with faulty taps and faucets. If you’re looking to replace your broken tap washer, you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to change a tap washer quickly and easily.

Water wastage can be avoided by simply replacing your tap washer now and then. By doing this, you can save a lot of money on buying new taps every once in a while and on water bills. That’s why replacing your tap washer is essential when it gets damaged or worn out.

Changing a washer is usually straightforward, but it’s not as simple as it sounds.

If you realise that tap washer replacement is not your cup of tea, it’s always best to enlist the help of a professional. It may cost a little more, but it will save you from the hassle and will be better than trying to do it yourself.

What exactly is a tap washer?

A tap washer is a plate or disc inserted into a hole in the centre of a valve or pipe. It may be used to create a seal on the inside of the pipe and prevent leakage, or to provide an airtight seal between two pipes.

If a tap washer is worn out, it may leak and cause damage to the wall or floor. A worn-out tap washer can also cause a small amount of water to be left in the basin after use. If this happens, it is likely that the tap washer has completely broken down and needs to be replaced.

It is essential to replace a tap washer if it’s fully broken down. This is because if there are any leaks from the tap, this could result in water damage to your home. Leaking taps can cause water damage that can lead to mold and other health problems for you and your family, as well as expensive repairs that need to be done by a plumber or technician.

The washer is an integral part of a residential and commercial plumbing system, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. That’s why knowing how to replace a tap washer can be a handy skill. So, let’s go through these steps in detail.

1. Gather your tools.

The first step for tap washer replacement is gathering the necessary tools. You’ll need a screwdriver set, a pair of needle-nose pliers, spanners, and a rag.

2. Turn off the water supply.

Start by turning off the water supply at the main inlet valve. If this does not work, try turning off the water supply at your cold water metre or service valve. If that also doesn’t work, you might have to shut off your main water line at your home’s main shutoff valve. This is located on the street or curb side of your house.

3. Empty the pipes.

After turning off the water supply, empty the pipes by opening the shutoff valve. This will let any trapped air escape from your plumbing system.

4. Remove the tap button.

The next step is to remove the tap button. You can use a flathead screwdriver or a similar object to pry it open. You must gently remove this button to not damage your kitchen or bathroom sink.

5. Strip away the handle

To remove the handle, you’ll need to start by removing it from its socket. The simplest way to do this is by using a pair of pliers. You can also use a screwdriver if you want to take it out by hand.

6. Remove the faucet skirt.

The faucet skirt is a plastic ring that sits just under the handle and protects it from water damage. You can usually remove it by unscrewing it from the top of the faucet, but if you have to remove your entire faucet assembly, you’ll want to do so gently to avoid breaking something. You can use a wrench or pliers for this step.

7. Remove the tap cap.

This is a crucial step because it allows you to easily access all the other parts of your tap. To do this, remove all the screws holding on to the bonnet using a screwdriver and remove them entirely from your sink. You can remove any other parts of your sink attached to this bonnet by unscrewing them with a wrench or pliers if necessary.

8. Take away the tap button.

First, use a flat screwdriver to remove the tap washer to remove the spindle nut that holds the tap in place. The tap will then be held in place by a small retaining clip. With these both removed, you can loosen the spindle screw, allowing you to pull off the old washer.

9. Change the washer.

Once you have removed your old washer, it’s time to replace it with a new one.

The new washer should be a good fit in place of the old one. Make sure that you are using the appropriate size washer for your tap. If you buy the wrong size, then it could cause leakage and damage to your faucet.

Insert a new washer into the tap and twist it until it’s snug and doesn’t fall out of place when you turn it on and off.

Screw the new washer in place, ensuring it’s flush with the surface of the tap.

10. Put it all together now.

Put everything from the tap button, handle, tap skirt, and bonnet back together, ensuring that everything is securely fixed with pliers or a screwdriver.

11. Test the tap.

Now that you have everything together, it’s time to test your tap. Hold the knob gently and turn it counterclockwise. Suppose you hear a thunk. You’ve successfully replaced your washer.


How to Change a Tap Washer in 11 Easy Steps | MPS

So now, Changing a tap washer doesn’t have to be complicated. By following the above steps, we’re sure you can do it yourself. But if you tried replacing one that didn’t work out well, you’ll need professional help. Masters Plumbing Services has the experience and expertise to help you fix your broken tap washer. We are one of the best plumbing companies in Sydney, and we are open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Our emergency plumbers in sydney are here to fix any plumbing problem you might have, whether it be a flooded basement or a clogged toilet. As long as we work together, we can fix any problem and get your home back to the way it was before the problem started.


Our plumbers sydney team will take care of everything for you and get you fast help so that you don’t have any problem dealing with such issues. Get in touch with us today at 1300155931 and say goodbye to all your plumbing problems!

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