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Common Causes of Blocked Drains

Common Causes of Blocked Drains

Causes of the Blocked drains refer to the buildup of debris, such as hair, food scraps, and other materials, in the drain pipes. This can cause water to back up and flow out of sinks, toilets, and other fixtures, leading to unpleasant odors and unsanitary conditions. Blocked drains can also cause water damage and flooding if left unrepaired. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at these causes and offer tips on how to prevent them from happening. So, if you’re dealing with blocked drains or want to know what causes drains to block, keep reading to learn more.

10 Causes of Blocked Drains

Hair and soap scum buildup

Hair and soap scum buildup can cause major issues in your plumbing system. This type of buildup occurs when hair and soap particles collect in the pipes, creating a clog that can cause slow drains and even complete blockages. It is important to regularly clean and maintain your pipes to prevent this type of buildup.

Grease and oil buildup

Grease and oil buildup can also cause major problems in your plumbing system. This type of buildup occurs when grease and oil are washed down the drain, collecting in the pipes and creating a thick, gooey substance that can cause blockages and slow drains. It is important to properly dispose of grease and oil and regularly clean and maintain your pipes to prevent this type of buildup.

Foreign objects stuck in the drain

Foreign objects stuck in the drain can cause major issues in your plumbing system. These objects can include anything from toys to jewellery and can cause blockages and slow drains. It is important to regularly check for and remove any foreign objects that may be stuck in your drain to prevent this type of issue.

Foreign objects

Use a drain cover: Installing a mesh drain cover over your sink or shower can help prevent hair and other debris from entering the pipes.

  • Dispose of food scraps properly: Instead of washing food scraps down the drain, dispose of them in the trash or compost them.
  • Be mindful of what you flush: Do not flush anything that is not toilet paper or human waste, as these items can cause blockages in the pipes.
  • Be careful with what you put down the garbage disposal: Avoid putting fibrous foods such as celery or potato peels, as well as bones, down the garbage disposal, as they can cause blockages.
  • Schedule regular drain cleaning: Having a professional clean your drains every few months can help remove any built-up debris and prevent blockages from occurring.

By following these steps, you can help prevent foreign objects from causing blockages in your drains, keeping your plumbing running smoothly.

Tree roots invading the sewer line

Tree roots invading the sewer line can cause major issues in your plumbing system. Tree roots can grow into the sewer line, causing blockages and even breaking the pipes. It is important to have regular inspections and maintenance done on your sewer line to prevent this type of issue.

Lack of regular maintenance and cleaning

Lack of regular maintenance and cleaning can cause major issues in your plumbing system. This includes neglecting to clean and maintain your pipes, fixtures, and appliances which can lead to blockages, leaks, and other issues. It is important to regularly maintain and clean your plumbing system to prevent this type of issue.

Construction and landscaping causing soil erosion

Construction and landscaping causing soil erosion can cause major issues in your plumbing system. This includes the movement of soil around the pipes, which can cause them to shift or become damaged. It is important to be aware of the potential for soil erosion during any construction or landscaping projects and to take steps to prevent this type of issue.

High water pressure leading to pipe damage

High water pressure can lead to pipe damage in your plumbing system. This occurs when the water pressure in your pipes is too high, which can cause them to burst or become damaged. It is important to regularly check and maintain the water pressure in your pipes to prevent this type of issue.

Corrosion and rust in older pipes

Corrosion and rust in older pipes can cause major issues in your plumbing system. This occurs when the pipes have been exposed to moisture and other elements over time, causing them to corrode and rust. It is important to regularly inspect and maintain older pipes to prevent this type of issue.


In conclusion, there are several common causes of blocked drains. These include the buildup of hair and soap scum, foreign objects getting lodged in the pipes, and grease and oil clogging the drain. Additionally, tree roots can also cause blockages by growing into the pipes and causing damage. To prevent blocked drains, it is important to be mindful of what is being put down the drain, avoid pouring grease and oil down the sink, and schedule regular maintenance and cleaning of the pipes. Taking these preventative measures can help keep your drains flowing smoothly and avoid costly repairs.

If you are experiencing blocked drains Sydney, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert team here at Masters Plumbing Services. Using our specialist equipment, we are able to tackle any drain blockage problem, no matter how large or small. Simply give us a ring or contact us online today – we are always happy to help!

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